Troublesome website launch!

You have probably seen that the new website has seen a lot of downtime since it’s launch. The demand for checking out the website, in combination with a heavier codebase made the old server to be put to it’s knees and eventually crash (several times).

I have now put the website on a dedicated VPS (virtual private server) and have put CloudFlare (a content delivery network + security) in place. I have also checked the indexsy list of seo agencies to get some professional help with SEO, I know that all these things will only benefit me.

For the people who are interested, the server is running a LEMP (Linux, NGINX, MySQL and PHP) setup. I have chosen NGINX instead of Apache because of its speed and low resources. If you want more info, please let me know! 🙂

Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you can enjoy the new without problems now!


  1. David Ostwald says:

    Thanks Gert, for all that you have done. The site looks fantastic, so glad that someone such as yourself stepped up and saved it. Well done, and thanks again. Dave O

  2. Gert says:

    Thanks Gert, for all that you have done. The site looks fantastic, so glad that someone such as yourself stepped up and saved it. Well done, and thanks again. Dave O

    Thank you for your kind words David! 🙂

  3. Bernd says:

    Yes, I echo David’s words. Well done Gert.

    I have picked out a layout to build in the future. It’s the “Works” by Vincent Wesstein. It’s going to be built in TT scale.


  4. Marc says:

    Bravo, Gert! Thank you very much for furthering Carl’s work, and in such a fine manner!

  5. Christian says:

    Hallo, Gert,

    The site looks nice, is easy to read on different devices and you have managed to jump 20 years of web technology from web 0.1 ro web 2.0.

    Well done, Sir!

    Best Regards,

  6. darkscot says:

    This is great website and deserves much wider recognition.

  7. Nikolas2 says:

    I preferred the old site. It was more readable and clear.

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